MX7 Updater report error
I have used the MX 7.01 updater to the version of 7,0,2,137072 . Since I have run this updater I not get a when I run a report, error as follows:Measage:Report compilation error. Error at (135, 20:...
View ArticleUsing HTML formatted text in the report builder
Has anyone been able to use HTML formatted text inside the report builder ?I have an application that allows collection of formatted data and I wish to report on the collcted data. The problem is that...
View Articlecfdocument with foreign languages (urdu/farsi)
Adobe claims that writing from right to left should be possible ( - but I have no success with my tests. I'm trying to create a document...
View ArticleRB Overwrites existing report lines
When a page footer is the only thing that will print on the next page - no more detail exists - instead of printing on the next page, RB is printing the footer on the same page and overwriting the text...
View ArticleReport Builder: output to Excel removes leading zeros
I'm trying to use the Report Builder to output a numeric field to EXCEL , but on numbers that start with zero EXCEL removes the leading zero's. ex. 00123 becomes 123. Is there something that I can put...
View Articlereport data binding error unknown column name
Hi,I am having a problem with the new 7.02 update of Report Builder. The issue is it's not finding my SQL query.I have wrote my query initally in the advance mode, and it doesn't seem to reconize it....
View Articlecfprint prints fuzzy text
I am using coldfusion 8 developer edition and working locally. I am using the cfreport tag to create pdf files from reports built with the cf8 ReportBuilder. When I print the pdf files using cfprint,...
View ArticleField with Stretch with overflow is not streching in the page or band headers
Field with 'Stretch with overflow' = True is not stretching in the page or band headers. "Print when detail overflows" is also true. If I stretch the height. it shows up, but does not grow or shrink...
View ArticleCrosstab in CF Report Builder 8
I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to find anything current. I came across some stuff but the links were diead or explanatory images didn't show. It seems that Report Builder doesn't...
View ArticleReceiving Error Message in Coldfusion Report Builder
I have installed Coldfusion Report Builder. I connect to my RDS server and attempt to run the Query Builder and get the following error:Object: TDataPanel, gbFieldsException:'2) when evaluating...
View ArticleCF Report Builder - multiple queries
I am a CF developer who has worked a fair bit with coding reports manually. Have taken the plunge with report builder and generally like what I see, BUT am quite disappointed with an apparent lack of...
View ArticleUsing If statements in cfreport
Hi does anyone know how I might be able to handle this situation. I have some columns that are integers. These integers represent different text items. How and where can I put my if statement in...
View Articlecfprint on a dot matrix printer
Hi all - I have a pdf that I'm printing on a dot matrix printer. In my pdf, I've specified that it should print using the Courier font. When I look at the pdf in Adobe Reader, it's in courier and...
View ArticleReport Builder and RDS
I just installed CF 8.1 Report Builder and attempted to use it for the first time.Is it required to have RDS activated on the server in order to use report Builder?
View ArticleCF7 cfdocument's display 30% smaller on CF8
We have copied existing CF7 cfdocument' page to a new Coldfusion 8 server and when the pages are run the resulting pdf and flashpaper display 30% smaller on CF8. Both the Fonts and the images and the...
View Articlecoldfusion report builder labels dont fit - Help!
I am using CF Report Builder to construct an Avery 5263 Label. When I out put it on the page to print it out, the labels do not print out correctly. The first one comes out fine and all the rest are...
View ArticleCFCHART Loop Query
Hi -I want to loop over a query and Get users with hours charged to a project. When this runs it just shows the total of all the hours for each person. This query should return 2 people one with 12...
View ArticleCF Report Builder field not stretching with overflow
I am using CF Report Builder build 144677 on CF 7.0.2 and have a large SQL Server text field that needs to stretch. If I stretch the layout height for the field to a larger value it works, but then of...
View ArticleHow do I Output SQL query (cfquery) to screen
I'd like to output the completed SQL Query that I'm writing to CFQuery to the screen so I can see what the report is querying the database. I tried <cfoutput>#myquery#</cfoutput> but that...
View Articleinner join & outer join in one query
I have 11 tables, 10 of the tables need will always have a match on id, the 11th table may or my not have a match. I need to print info from the 10 tables with a matching id and information from the...
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