sub report data source at run time
I have a sub report and on the main report and I want to set up sub report and main report data soruce using stored procedures. I have following code, it only runs sub report, but not main report has...
I am using cfdocument's ability to generate PDF documents from XHTLM 1.0 Transitional webpages. I using supported CSS styles to format the page by importing the style sheet. All styles with the...
View ArticleUsing If statements in cfreport
Hi does anyone know how I might be able to handle this situation. I have some columns that are integers. These integers represent different text items. How and where can I put my if statement in...
View ArticlePrint When Detail Overflows Question
Is the "Print When Detail Overflows" option supposed to work this way or am I doing something wrong? The help states..."Print When Detail Overflows specifies whether an element prints only after a page...
View ArticleProblem with CFDOCUMENT
I upgraded to CF 7.0.2.My requirement is to convert .doc/.pdf/.xls to Flashpaper.I used<cfdocument format=Flashpaper" src="d:\test.doc"mimetype="application/msword" />The Flaspaper does generate...
View ArticleDynamic images in CF report builder 7
Hi :-)Im pulling my hair out over an issue with cfreport builder 7 and the abillity to dynamically display images.I can display images dynamicaly fine using this method: application.coverimage &...
View ArticleCalculate age in a function
I am trying to calculate and return the age of a person. My code is: <cfset variable.age = '(dateDiff("yyyy",query.birthdate, now()))'>I get a "If the expression is a string, ensure that it is...
View ArticleReport Builder - Last page issue and Report Footer issue
I am using ColdFusion 9 Report Builder, am new to this product and encountering 2 issues. Issue 1 - I have a field that I would like to print on the last page of my report. How can I determine the...
View ArticleCrosstab in CF Report Builder 8
I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to find anything current. I came across some stuff but the links were diead or explanatory images didn't show. It seems that Report Builder doesn't...
View Articlehow to hide a report builder field if it is zero
I am using Coldfusion Report Builder. If the value of a feild is zero, how can I hide it or show a blank. Keep in mind this field is a DollarFormat() field.
View ArticleColdfusion report builder download has no help included
I just downloaded both the CF Report builder versions for 8 and 9 and there is no English language help file included. Does anyone know where or how I can download this? Clicking on help just gives you...
View ArticleGrowth Details Band
I have a comments field from query result for report data source.Because it is a navrchar(max) field, the result can be shorter or longer based on the data users entered.I would like to have the text...
View ArticleProblem with Math In Calculated Fields
I am calculating a group incident rate for data returned from a query. The formula is Number of cases multiplied by 200000 divided by number of hours worked. Cases in my report is the calculated field:...
View ArticleReport Builder and RDS
I just installed CF 8.1 Report Builder and attempted to use it for the first time.Is it required to have RDS activated on the server in order to use report Builder?
View Articleexporting data to Word with Coldfusion
Saw the link at which explains how to do it. But, my need is a bit more than what is shown. I have to run a query and based on results of it decide what...
View ArticleCan NOT Save Advanced Query
This is a show-stopper for me. I tried to enter a query in report builder 8 build 176269 , click save and when I return to the querybuilder it is MISSING! (this works fine in Version 7) Any...
View ArticleAnyone using Jasper Reports or anything else?
Anyone out there using JasperReports with Coldfusion 8? cfdocument and cfReport have such a performance hit on our box when we try to run certain reports. IE - Report Cards We need something that would...
View Articlecfdocument with foreign languages (urdu/farsi)
Adobe claims that writing from right to left should be possible ( - but I have no success with my tests.I'm trying to create a document...
View ArticleReport Builder: output to Excel removes leading zeros
I'm trying to use the Report Builder to output a numeric field to EXCEL , but on numbers that start with zero EXCEL removes the leading zero's. ex. 00123 becomes 123.Is there something that I can put...
View ArticleReport Data Binding Error with CFREPORT
I'm getting this error on my production server but not my testing server when I try to print a report:Report data binding error Unknown column name : PK_RegistrationID.The thing is, the column...
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