I am trying to set up an index of items throughout a word
document by using hyperlinks. I have been exporting the word
document with the index hyperlinks not working. It seems to have a
problem keeping the path to the bookmarks I have set up in the
different document sections. Instead of linking to a page earlier
in the document it references a file outside the document. This
shouldn't be the case since I didn't set it up that way when I
generate the word document through coldfusion. I have set up a test
word document of this hyperlinking and saved it as a web page to
see the exact code to use, however this is not working. I would
like to get the hyperlinks to work right out of coldfusion once it
is generated but I have not been able to do this yet. Has anybody
solved this issue before? I would appreciate any help you can give
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your time.