I am trying to insert a query-based chart in my report
template. However, the data is coming from a text file; thus I am
creating the query object for the chart by parsing the text file.
However, the "query.name" and "query.number" fields are not
changing for each record from the original report query -- only the
first record is used. Thus the first chart on the first page is
correct, but the chart never changes for all the other pages (each
page represents one record from the query). This is what I'm
putting into the advanced query builder :
<cfset ThisQuery = QueryNew("ItemColumn,ValueColumn")>
<cfif FileExists("D:\charts\#query.name#_#query.number#.txt")>
<cfset ThisDataItem = 0>
<cfloop file="D:\charts\#query.name#_#query.number#.txt" index="ThisLine">
<cfif IsNumeric(ThisLine)>
<cfset ThisDataItem += 1>
<cfset QueryAddRow(ThisQuery)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(ThisQuery,"ItemColumn",ThisDataItem)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(ThisQuery,"ValueColumn",ThisLine)>
So basically the filename is set according to first row (result) from the report query, but then the filename (and thus the chart) never changes even though all the other query-based fields on my page change properly (all the other query.BlahBlah fields update correctly). Is this a bug? I didn't think I was doing anything too crazy.
<cfset ThisQuery = QueryNew("ItemColumn,ValueColumn")>
<cfif FileExists("D:\charts\#query.name#_#query.number#.txt")>
<cfset ThisDataItem = 0>
<cfloop file="D:\charts\#query.name#_#query.number#.txt" index="ThisLine">
<cfif IsNumeric(ThisLine)>
<cfset ThisDataItem += 1>
<cfset QueryAddRow(ThisQuery)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(ThisQuery,"ItemColumn",ThisDataItem)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(ThisQuery,"ValueColumn",ThisLine)>
So basically the filename is set according to first row (result) from the report query, but then the filename (and thus the chart) never changes even though all the other query-based fields on my page change properly (all the other query.BlahBlah fields update correctly). Is this a bug? I didn't think I was doing anything too crazy.