Here is my problem. I am using a Flex app to manage my data
and to kick off reporting events. One of these reports is just an
Excel dump. I am calling a file called Company_Excel.cfm to create
the excel file. This works great. The only problem is after the
Excel file is opened I am left with a popup window that has an
"Action canceled" error message. How do I get rid of that window???
I have tried several variations of the following code to no
<script language="JavaScript">
function CloseMe(){ window.close(self); }
<A CLASS="H_Link" HREF="javaScript:window.CloseMe()">Close this window</A>
<CFINVOKE COMPONENT="/IREC_Flex/WebServices/SearchData" METHOD="GetCoNames" RETURNVARIABLE="CoNameList" CoName="#Form.CoName#"></CFINVOKE>
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=Companies.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/">
I have also tried several versions of...
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Company Excel Dump</title>
<script language='javascript'>
var t;
function doLoad() {
t = setTimeout("window.close()",2000);
<body onLoad='doLoad()'>
<CFINVOKE COMPONENT="/IREC_Flex/WebServices/SearchData" METHOD="GetCoNames" RETURNVARIABLE="CoNameList" CoName="#Form.CoName#"></CFINVOKE>
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=Companies.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/">
Any other ideas out there???
Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Have an Ordinary Day...
KomputerMan ~|:-)
<script language="JavaScript">
function CloseMe(){ window.close(self); }
<A CLASS="H_Link" HREF="javaScript:window.CloseMe()">Close this window</A>
<CFINVOKE COMPONENT="/IREC_Flex/WebServices/SearchData" METHOD="GetCoNames" RETURNVARIABLE="CoNameList" CoName="#Form.CoName#"></CFINVOKE>
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=Companies.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/">
I have also tried several versions of...
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Company Excel Dump</title>
<script language='javascript'>
var t;
function doLoad() {
t = setTimeout("window.close()",2000);
<body onLoad='doLoad()'>
<CFINVOKE COMPONENT="/IREC_Flex/WebServices/SearchData" METHOD="GetCoNames" RETURNVARIABLE="CoNameList" CoName="#Form.CoName#"></CFINVOKE>
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=Companies.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/">
Any other ideas out there???
Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Have an Ordinary Day...
KomputerMan ~|:-)