I'm having difficulty getting report functions to work.
Looking at the documentation, I followed the steps to creating a
function (which seems to be a ColdFusion function) and inserted it
into the report. The purpose of the function is to display an
address from address fields in a database table. Some records may
only need 2 address lines to be displayed, others 3 or 4 depending
on the address. I figured the function would determine that if
adress line 2 or 3 were not null/blank, display it. If they were
blank/null, don't display them along with address line 1 and 4.
Although I get no errors when the report displays, the function
doesn't seem to evaluate...it just displays a cryptic "placeholder"
where the function output is suppossed to be that consists of a
combination of letters, numbers, and symbols (e.g.,
cffReportName@1233443554455$funcREPORTNAME@hghkl455). I tried
creating another simple function just to ouput a static variable as
a test but it does the same thing. Any ideas?